1. Timer, anesthesia timer, surgery timer, and general clock timer are used for both hour, minute, and second timing. They are clearly labeled and equipped with a timer controller, and can automatically turn on the battery in case of power outage, with a distance of 2 meters from the ground.
2. Medical gas panel
3. Film viewing lamp, 3 units per small room, 6 units per large room, set on the wall opposite the surgeon
4. Combination multifunctional control box
5. Record board, length * width: 500 * 400 is a concealed replica. After opening, the record board should be 1.1 meters above the ground and folded flush with the wall
6. Drug cabinet (embedded), conveniently located inside the patient's foot wall
7. Anesthesia cabinet (embedded), conveniently located inside the patient's head wall
8. Instrument cabinet (embedded), conveniently located inside the patient's foot wall
9. Combination power socket (embedded)
10. Shadow free light bolt for suspension arm, 100 level suspension arm, 10000 level suspension tower
11. Infusion guide rail
The above content is sourced from the internet. For more information on the purification requirements of Tianjin clean operating rooms, please follow http://www.htswjh.com/